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Welcome to Bologna Club!


Now that we've figured out how to make Bologna we can't help but imagine 100 delicious versions of tube steak that we want to try and we know you want to try also.


One of the hardest thing about developing new products is finding the sales for them; especially if they are limited edition or one time only batches.


Bologna Club is the solution to our sales problem and your desire to try so many new (many limited edition) tube steaks and offer your input.


How it works: every week we are going to be putting out a new limited edition flavour of Bologna and as a member of Bologna Club you will received 1 lb each week to try. The Bologna will be available to pick up here on Primrose on Friday or Saturday or at the Farm Market on Saturdays. If you sign up for the club you are speaking for the entire duration of the meats. If you don't pick it up we will hold it here for you and freeze it if necessary. 


What to expect: becoming a member of the club you will be paying half price for your Bologna as we are offering the club value at $10/lb.

Each week we will put out one flavour of Bologna. Maybe will be based on sausage flavours you know and love but some will not. We are only making 1 batch a week so substitutions will not be available. 

We also won't be releasing any flavours we have preciously released this will all be brand new flavours.

Our base recipe uses lean ground pork, lean ground beef and beef fat but sometimes we will also be throwing bacon into the mix. 


Bologna Club will last for 7 weeks with the beginning pick up being March 21 and the final week being May 2.


Simply click the link below to be redirected to join the club!

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